Hebamme Gerlinde Skupin

Whether you have an out-of-hospital birth, "ambulante" birth (going home from the hospital 4 hours post partum), or remain in the hospital for several days post partum, every woman is entitled to 8 weeks of midwifery care. During the first 10 days post partum these are daily home visits, after this there are 16 more visits which can be taken advantage of.

In this time of change I will give you counsel and guidance in all topics of postpartum life. Here again is a situation where I use mainly homeopathic and naturopathic remedies, should they become necessary. Breastfeeding questions and problems which come up will be discussed and dealt with. Every day I will check on the adjustment of new baby and mother, especially weight gain, newborn jaundice, and the healing of the umbilical cord stump in the baby, and healing and uterus involution in the mother.

In the case of complications, for further tests, or for the routine newborn checkups I will refer you to and consult with your pediatrician. In order to strengthen the muscle groups changed and displaced by pregnancy and birth, I will advise you on gentle post-partum exercises to be done at home. A postnatal class for this is also an option I would strongly recommend. After 8 weeks post partum every nursing mother is still entitled to a midwife's consultation, when starting to feed solids, when weaning, at any time while she is still breastfeeding. In extreme cases a doctor can even prescribe this.